Boat (xs5_253)
Pattern RLE

Sample occurrences
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Comments (4)
Displaying comments 1 to 4.
On 2020-01-23 at 21:37:27 UTC, Someone wrote:
That percentage has gone down to 4.459192014% now.
On 2019-04-18 at 17:28:14 UTC, Someone wrote:
Suprised @paulrw63@live didn’t say anything about RLE’s, or, as he calls them, “golly gibberish”
On 2017-03-03 at 17:01:15 UTC, Someone wrote:
4.464993934% of all objects are boats.
On 2016-11-16 at 19:40:07 UTC, wrote:
The Boat is the ONLY stillife with a population of 5(five).
Only 2 stillifes have a pop of 4 (four). The block and the Tub. At higher pops, the stillifes increase in type roughly exponentially with pop.
An small ancestor of just 11 counters goes 256 gen., before becoming the Boat. At gen.252, the active mass suddenly emits junk and becomes a Boat predecessor. I call this the ANCESTOR SUPREME...
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