MWSS on MWSS 1 (xq4_27dee6z4eb776)
Pattern RLE

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Comments (9)
Displaying comments 1 to 9.
On 2018-12-29 at 23:49:40 UTC, Someone wrote:
This flotilla is much more common in b34ws23-y5a because 2 appear from each honey farm predecessor.
On 2018-09-13 at 05:00:03 UTC, Someone wrote:
Now 3836!
On 2016-04-22 at 18:38:54 UTC, Someone wrote:
Quickly coming up on a thousand.
On 2015-09-11 at 13:15:19 UTC, Someone wrote:
200 occurences now.
On 2015-08-03 at 16:33:05 UTC, Someone wrote:
100 occurences!
On 2015-08-03 at 10:48:27 UTC, Someone wrote:
Just one more...
On 2015-02-24 at 21:13:52 UTC, wrote:
It's been seen a couple of times by Dave Greene in asymmetric B3/S23 runs of apgsearch, so I guess it is indeed the case that it occurred in the screensaver soups. As far as I know, the apgsearch pattern analyser is more rigorous than any of its predecessors. It still has difficulty separating spaceships in close proximity, but this only affects non-standard rules since there's bespoke support for handling gliders/*WSSes.
On 2015-02-24 at 20:38:38 UTC, EricABQ wrote:
Between this and the MWSS on MWSS occurring in b38s238/c1 after only 3000000 soups, I'm starting to wonder if this actually occurred in the runs of the life screensaver and just didn't census it.
On 2015-02-24 at 20:26:26 UTC, EricABQ wrote:
I'm surprised this was found already in asymmetry because seared about 20 times as many patterns and didn't find it!
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