Unix (xp6_ccb7w66z066)
Pattern RLE

Sample occurrences
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Comments (10)
Displaying comments 1 to 10.
On 2020-07-27 at 09:29:48 UTC, inspirehep wrote:
Sorry bro. It DID occur in generation 130, in the four diagonal line
On 2020-07-26 at 23:34:21 UTC, inspirehep wrote:
didn't find this pattern in 83x83 box(solid). anyone have clues on that ?
On 2020-01-25 at 15:17:09 UTC, Someone wrote:
This might be the only strictly non-trivial p6 we have.
On 2019-10-12 at 17:48:12 UTC, bokab402 wrote:
It looks like face of the men.
On 2019-10-12 at 17:48:11 UTC, bokab402 wrote:
It looks like face of the men.
On 2019-06-11 at 16:09:32 UTC, Someone wrote:
I am surprised that the synthesis for this is asymmetric. -Hdjensofjfnen
On 2018-08-22 at 06:07:42 UTC, Someone wrote:
On 2018-08-22 at 06:06:59 UTC, Someone wrote:
The RLE for the 83x83 box: x = 83, y = 83, rule = B3/S23 83o$83o$83o$83o$83o$83o$83o$83o$83o$83o$83o$83o$83o$83o$83o$83o$83o$83o$83o$83o$83o$83o$83o$83o$83o$83o$83o$83o$83o$83o$83o$83o$83o$83o$83o$83o$83o$83o$83o$83o$83o$83o$83o$83o$83o$83o$83o$83o$83o$83o$83o$83o$83o$83o$83o$83o$83o$83o$83o$83o$83o$83o$83o$83o$83o$83o$83o$83o$83o$83o$83o$83o$83o$83o$83o$83o$83o$83o$83o$83o$83o$83o$83o!
On 2018-02-24 at 12:28:02 UTC, paulrw63@live.com wrote:
The UNIX. Occurs naturally -but rarely. The comment made on 2-4-2018 was not clear at all.
On 2018-02-04 at 00:55:07 UTC, Someone wrote:
An 83x83 box of cells produces four of these.
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