Pulsar (xp3_co9nas0san9oczgoldlo0oldlogz1047210127401)
Pattern RLE

Sample occurrences
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Comments (23)
Displaying comments 1 to 20.
On 2019-01-27 at 05:02:01 UTC, Someone wrote:
the pulsar always looked to me like the 3rd boss from zelda nes
On 2018-12-30 at 22:16:41 UTC, Someone wrote:
On 2018-10-16 at 15:54:28 UTC, paulrw63@live.com wrote: “... Golly gibberish...”
What language is that?
It’s not French...
On 2018-12-22 at 02:52:52 UTC, Someone wrote:
apgcode is back
On 2018-11-11 at 21:51:50 UTC, Someone wrote:
Don?t forget to include the numbe 1,047,210,127,401!
On 2018-11-11 at 21:47:18 UTC, Someone wrote:
FYI, the ?P20 puffer train? is called puffer 2.
On 2018-11-03 at 22:02:41 UTC, Someone wrote:
"Useless website" TRIGGERED EVEN MORE
On 2018-11-03 at 22:01:45 UTC, Someone wrote:
Wait... How did apgsearch handle DryLife, which is an explosive rule?
On 2018-11-03 at 22:01:13 UTC, Someone wrote:
"Golly gibberish" TRIGGERED
On 2018-10-16 at 15:54:28 UTC, paulrw63@live.com wrote:
I have also researched what I call the P3 PULSAR 2, which does not occur naturally but has skewed variants as well as endless extensions.
Now, I won't be accessing this useless website again, as it uses only Golly gibberish. You will find my eMail address in the top line, should you wish to chat about Life.
On 2017-03-03 at 17:17:47 UTC, Someone wrote:
A n d t h e n i t m e s s e s u p m y s p a c e s . W H Y Y Y Y Y Y Y ? ! ? ! ? !
On 2017-03-03 at 17:16:39 UTC, Someone wrote:
Oh wait double enter=single enter.
o o
oo oo
o o
On 2017-03-03 at 17:15:33 UTC, Someone wrote:
w h a t
t h e
h e c k
i t
w o n ' t
l e t
m e
d o
e n t e r .
: (
On 2017-03-03 at 17:14:06 UTC, Someone wrote:
o o oo oo o o
On 2017-01-03 at 05:13:45 UTC, Someone wrote:
the co-naso sang "ACZ Gold" by Lo' Old Logz, November 4, 7210. 12:07:40 PM in the B3/S23 Studio
On 2016-11-24 at 00:24:38 UTC, connors12321 wrote:
Sounds like the name of a video game character. In fact, that's exactly what I'll do.
On 2016-11-14 at 01:47:38 UTC, paulrw63@live.com wrote:
The Pulsar is the ONLY P3 oscillator that occurs by any standard of frequency. Others are very rare. A mistake in my attempt to work with some now forgotten pattern listed in "Life Info"'s forums which appears to be dormant and archived, caused me to discover a super-ancestor to the Pulsar. Over 200 gen. ! I hate it when websites go dormant (like Rotten.com).
Also, the Pulsar, as well as the Toad, both appear in the cloud of start-up debris of the P20 Puffer Train. The start-up cloud, otherwise made of common objects (and perhaps a few gliders) is stable by gen.5533.
On 2016-05-27 at 05:04:20 UTC, Someone wrote:
cog naso sang ocz gold loo old logz loalz lolz laol
On 2016-05-20 at 15:05:41 UTC, connors12321 wrote:
View the URL then
On 2016-02-17 at 18:02:06 UTC, Someone wrote:
Aww, why doesn't it show the apgcode anymore? Now nobody can understand all these jokes!
On 2015-08-16 at 18:53:05 UTC, Someone wrote:
I always read the last part as "gold loo, old logz"
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