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Big S (xs14_g88b96z123)

x = 1, y = 1, rule = B3/S23
This pattern is a still-life.
This pattern is periodic with period 1.
This pattern runs in standard life (b3s23).
The population is constantly 14.
This evolutionary sequence works in multiple rules, from bs2-cn3n through to b1e2-ae34-nt5-kq678s012345678.

Pattern RLE

Code: Select all

Glider synthesis

Code: Select all
#C [[ GRID MAXGRIDSIZE 14 THEME Catagolue ]]
#CSYNTH xs14_g88b96z123 costs 4 gliders (true).
#CLL state-numbering golly
x = 12, y = 11, rule = B3/S23

Sample occurrences

There are 3656 sample soups in the Catagolue:

Official symmetries

SymmetrySoupsSample soup links

1x256 99                                                                                                                                          

2x128 20                            

4x64 40                                                        

8x32 10              

C1 11                

C4_1 10              

C4_4 10              

D8_1 10              

D8_4 10              

H4_+1 15                     

Inflated symmetries

SymmetrySoupsSample soup links

i1x256 14                   

iC1 10              

iH4_+1 34                                               

iH4_+4 27                                      

ii1x256 6         

iiD2_x 10              

iii2x128 10              

iii4x64 10              

iii8x32 10              

iiiC2_1 10              

iiiC2_2 10              

iiiC2_4 10              

iiiC4_4 10              

iiiD2_+1 10              

iiiD2_+2 10              

iiiD4_+1 10              

iiiD8_1 10              

iiiD8_4 10              

iiii1x256 5       

iiiiiiiiiiC1 16                       

Unofficial symmetries

SymmetrySoupsSample soup links

10G_D2_+1_stdin 1  

12G_C4_1_stdin 7          

12G_D2x_stdin 1  

1X2x256X2 56                                                                               

1X2x256X2_TEST 4     

1dblinker_test_stdin 29                                        

1obj_glider_enum_clean_test_stdin 44                                                             

1x256X2 48                                                                   

1x256X2+1_2Test 10              

1x256X2+1_3Test 1  

1x256X2+1_4Test 2   

22bit_glider_clean_test_stdin 86                                                                                                                         

23bit2_glider_clean_test_stdin 89                                                                                                                            

23bit_glider_clean_test_stdin 94                                                                                                                                   

25% 10              

2T_stdin 1  

2ggg_10x10_stdin 10              

2xn_stdin 15                     

32x32 10              

3G_stdin 1  

3g_test_stdin 22                               

5G_stdin 10              

5Gstdin_test 3    

5x5_diehard_b3s23love_stdin 10              

64x64beta 30                                          

6G_C2_1_stdin 20                            

6G_C2_4_stdin 10              

75% 10              

75pTEST 11                

7x7_stdin 15                     

8G_C2_2_stdin 10              

8G_C2_4_stdin 10              

AB_256x256_Test 10              

AB_C1_2x2_32x32_Test 10              

AB_D2_x_skewgutter_Test 6         

AB_sha512_16x32_Test 10              

AB_sha512_20x20_Test 12                 

AB_sha512_25p_Test 4     

AB_sha512_75p_Test 3    

C1_Dblock_Test 10              

C2_4_line_stdin 10              

D2_+1_Gutter_Test 15                     

D2_+1_gO1s0_MBbeta1 10              

D4_n 18                         

D6_4_Test 25                                   

D8_+4 10              

D8_9 1  

DRCTest_SemiD4_+2 10              

DankMemes 19                          

Ian07_Test 10              

LWSS_trio_stdin 1  

MB_C1_2x2_32x32_Test 10              

MB_bad8x8_test 10              

Mateon1_1k_Test 10              

Mateon1_Sparse2k_256_Test 10              

Pseudo_C1 17                        

PushDecimal_Test 10              

QuFince_stdin 14                   

SS 7          

Saka_DoubleC1_Test 7          

Saka_x+1-2x_TEST 6         

WSS_Test 6         

WW_25c 2   

Y_sha512_16x20_Test 36                                                   

Yujh_B3S23_3c7puff_t_bad 2   

Yujh_t 92                                                                                                                                 

Yujh_t_blockparty 50                                                                      

Yujh_t_stdin 85                                                                                                                       

Yujh_test 31                                            

Yujh_xs68ed_test 79                                                                                                              

b3s23osc_stdin 13                  

b9wadufi 9            

blocktest_stdin 3    

brb_stdin_test 20                            

catforce_stdin 24                                 

censusrle_stdin 1  

clean_seeds_stdin 96                                                                                                                                       

colsearch_stdin 68                                                                                               

const_glider_clean_test_stdin 9            

custom_stdin 1  

dani_stdin 10              

double 10              

ee9_D2_+1_gutter_test 10              

ee9_D4_+1_gutter2_test 10              

ee9_D4_+1_gutter_test 5       

ee9_D4_+2_gutter_test 9            

ee9_D8_1_gutter_test 29                                        

ee9_SE_C1 10              

ee9_test 39                                                      

exhaustive6x6_stdin 68                                                                                               

fourobjs_stdin_test 6         

ggg_10x10_stdin 30                                          

gitlab_stdin_test 1  

gsynth_stdin 10              

iMateon1_Glider8_4_5_Test 10              

ikpx2_c3_stdin_test 6         

ikpx2_k7_stdin_test 8           

ikpx2_stdin 2   

integer_constructions_stdin 32                                             

integer_rand_clean_stdin 18                         

jslife_stdin 1  

kitty_stdin_test 18                         

lifecompetes_stdin_test 20                            

line_stdin 14                   

line_stdin_test 15                     

misc_1g_LR_clean_stdin 77                                                                                                            

misc_1g_clean_stdin 26                                     

misc_2g_clean_stdin 35                                                 

misc_clean_stdin 82                                                                                                                   

misc_glider_clean_stdin 45                                                               

moog_stdin 12                 

mvr_7seeds_stdin 2   

mvr_8seeds_stdin 57                                                                                

mvr_catforce_stdin 50                                                                      

obj_2g_stdin 88                                                                                                                           

polyominoes_stdin 1  

random_p2_seeds_stdin 98                                                                                                                                         

rectanglesx_stdin 2   

seeds_1obj_enum_clean_test_stdin 9            

seeds_2obj_clean_test_stdin 98                                                                                                                                         

seeds_3obj_clean_test_stdin 49                                                                    

seeds_clean_test_stdin 93