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Toad (xp2_7e)

x = 1, y = 1, rule = B3/S23
This pattern is an oscillator.
This pattern is periodic with period 2.
This pattern runs in standard life (b3s23).
The population is constantly 6.
This evolutionary sequence works in multiple rules, from b3aijqs2ak through to b2cin345678s0234-ar5678.

Pattern RLE

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Glider synthesis

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#C [[ GRID MAXGRIDSIZE 14 THEME Catagolue ]]
#CSYNTH xp2_7e costs 3 gliders (true).
#CLL state-numbering golly
x = 10, y = 9, rule = B3/S23

Sample occurrences

There are 487 sample soups in the Catagolue:

Official symmetries

SymmetrySoupsSample soup links

C1 10              

Inflated symmetries

SymmetrySoupsSample soup links

i1x256 75                                                                                                         

ii1x256 20                            

iiii8x32 1  

Unofficial symmetries

SymmetrySoupsSample soup links

10G_D2_+1_stdin 1  

22bit_glider_clean_test_stdin 8           

C_R_116_stdin 20                            

MB_bad8x8_test 10              

QuFince_stdin 8           

b3s23osc_stdin 47                                                                  

censusrle_stdin 10              

const_glider_clean_test_stdin 25                                   

ggg_10x10_stdin 6         

hotdogpi_census_stdin 1  

ikpx2_stdin_test 15                     

integer_constructions_stdin 10              

lifecompetes_stdin_test 61                                                                                      

methuselahs_stdin 1  

misc_1g_LR_clean_stdin 2   

mvr_6seeds_stdin 10              

novelty_stdin 1  

oca_stdin 5       

oscillators_stdin 1  

oscthread_stdin 13                  

polyominoes_stdin 4     

popseq_stdin 6         

portable10x10_16gen_stdin 1  

seeds_clean_test_stdin 64                                                                                         

shipthread_stdin 4     

stdin_natural_LCM 32                                             

stdin_xq4_diag 1  

test_stdin 2   

text_len1_stdin 1  

xp2_blockstest 5       

xp2_puffertest_stdin 6         

Comments (12)

Displaying comments 1 to 12.

On 2022-04-24 at 07:45:38 UTC, petter.kj.larsson wrote:

lol this is a cloak aka a clock toad

On 2018-11-21 at 20:42:04 UTC, Someone wrote:

this is a fake toad in b3i8s03eij4air5iy6ci8

On 2018-06-28 at 07:17:54 UTC, Someone wrote:

In b3aeij45ns2-ac3-n4krw5, this pattern looks like a toad in one generation and like a clock the next.

On 2018-03-07 at 19:48:44 UTC, Someone wrote:

What I love about this rule is that the toad is infinitely extendible. x = 10, y = 28, rule = B3/S2 7b2o$9bo$6bo$7b2o$7b2o$9bo$6bo$7b2o$7b2o$9bo$6bo$7b2o$7b2o$9bo$6bo$7b 2o$5b2o$7bo$4bo$5b2o$3b2o$5bo$2bo$3b2o$b2o$3bo$o$b2o!

On 2017-12-29 at 10:13:58 UTC, Someone wrote:

B3/S1c2-k4a has a p6 toad with both phases.

On 2017-11-30 at 09:18:43 UTC, Someone wrote:

Yet another is in B3-a/S1234a.

On 2017-11-30 at 09:16:14 UTC, Someone wrote:

Another fake toad is in B3a/S4.

On 2017-11-26 at 23:53:09 UTC, Someone wrote:

There's a relatively common fake toad in B2ce3i4/S345-jqr.

On 2017-03-03 at 17:08:08 UTC, Someone wrote:

(Life occurring in the normal universe, that is. Not the CGOL universe.)

On 2017-03-03 at 17:06:51 UTC, Someone wrote:

Perhaps they should use Life analogies for the chance of the universe being able to support life. "Life occurring in the universe is like doing Ctrl-5 on Golly and getting Gemini."

On 2017-02-17 at 16:40:00 UTC, paulrw63@live.com wrote:

As I said elsewhere, 2-3 (classic) LIFE does not lend itself towards common oscillators. Usually the oscillator is a ratty blinker, but toads & beacons ,and the P3 Pulsar do occur. Some had to be artificially constructed, and, even so, failed to turn up spontanously appear in random fields.

It's like trying to have a random letter generator come up with Hamlet's TO BE OR NOT TO BE.

On 2016-02-14 at 16:55:38 UTC, epicrichard72 wrote:

really? only 10?

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